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You can still be a speed reader

"If I could learn to read faster, I’d have achieved my goals". While some claim they could read 2,000 words a minute with 95 percent comprehension, research occasianlly disapoints. You would say that science demystifies speed industry, prominatly created by Evelyn Wood, or better said, made it popular through US presidents.  And for good reason: while some people (presidents) might have a uniquely quick eye and mind, Neuroscience has shown that most humans read about 300 words a minute and comprehension starts to wane around 600 w/min.  Crushing, huh? But just because speed reading sounds too good to be true, doesn’t mean we can’t be better at reading. Depending on the type of material moving through, one quick tip and "trick" can help you read a little bit faster. Especially would be useful if you need to make through an uninsterestig text quickly or when you need more effort and faster learning. Well, one way you can do is to look for markers and keywords that tha

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